Humankind less humane than animals?

Man-kind. Currently the species with the largest population and possibly since the beginning of the mammal age. If we look closely at the human race, it is noticeable that we humans have no superior physical qualities that has made us the “superior” species. The only factor that has raised humans up to the tip of the food chain, is our ability to think (self-consciousness) and create. Those elements are what make us human…but these traits are twisted to the point we become worse than animals.

One thing we humans pride ourselves on is our brain power and abilities to create new items, it is what makes our species so special. Humans are the only mammals to create such complex tools, from the common can opener to the ingenious internet. These inventions and innovations are solely found in the human race, as all other animals are only capable of less. However, the end result on what is invented and if it for the good of the people or not, depends on the creator. How are we humans sometimes less human than animals? Think about it. We humans have developed so many different types of weapons, in an effort to exterminate each other more effectively than the previous way. From spears to arrows to gun to missile launchers to bombs/bombers, it goes on and on. Weapons continue to develop to make the most efficient way to kill mass numbers with a single object. No other animal in our world kills their own species as much as we do! In order to obtain more land in the past, we humans have killed each other for territory. We have dropped nuclear bombs to win wars. While there is always a reason, it is still not a good thing.
Weapons evolution
Want more proof? Torture. Think about it. Torture did not just suddenly exist on our planet and no other animal really practices it either. I thing it is reasonable to say we, the human species, are the ones to develop/come up with torture. The act of inflicting as much physical or mental harm to another being in order to get information (or our own satisfaction) is cruel beyond belief. Criminals, government officials, and police forces around the world commit this heinous action, in secrecy or announce it to the public. One noticeable time period where torture was used most was during WWII, the Nazi’s killed and tortured millions of Jews, all because they had a different religion. During the dynasty period of china there were tortures such as finger crackers, where prisoners had there fingers put between iron rods and stringers were pulled so the iron rods would close together till the bones would break. Our history is full of with the creation of new and worse ways to harm each other.
Water Torture
While we humans have done some good for the people and the environment and it can be seen as “good” and “kind”, we humans have done as much wrong. In the end it is hard to tell if we humans are as grand as we seem.